Part 1 of this series of 2 articles about winter wet basement problems pointed out issues that are easy to prevent with good observation, proper home maintenance, and repair when it’s needed.

In part 2, learn about basement wall leaking that requires a more intensive solution.

When your basement is wet and other, simpler remedies do not help, you could be dealing with foundation water problems caused by more serious conditions.

1. Radiant Heat Escape

In the coldest of weather, the temperature in your basement is significantly warmer than it is outside.

Even if you keep yours on the cool side, your foundation will radiate heat into the ground that surrounds your home; it warms the ground and causes snow close to the house to melt.

That water can cause your basement walls to leak as it seeps or is pushed through fine cracks in the foundation.

2. Hydrostatic Ground Pressure

Hydrostatic pressure is essentially the downward pull of gravity as it affects groundwater and another common cause of wet basement problems.

Whether you have groundwater around your foundation due to radiant heat escape, lack of roof gutters, or downspouts that release water too close to the house, hydrostatic pressure working on that water as it’s absorbed into the ground will force it through cracks in your foundation or floor.

3. Improper Ground Slope

Sometimes, the issue responsible for the leaking that is causing your water damage and need for foundation water problem repairs is as simple as the ground around your house sloping the wrong way.

To prevent water pooling and oversaturation of the soil around your house, it’s important that the ground around your foundation slope so water runs off away from the house.

When improperly sloped ground causes runoff to flow toward the house, you could end up with a leaky basement and may need to have some grading work done to remedy it.

4. Poor Soil Quality

The quality of the soil around your foundation can also affect how it holds water and whether you could experience basement wall leaking.

Clay soils that absorb water are more helpful at preventing saturation and leaks than are sandier soils that do not absorb water.

Poor drainage around your foundation that causes your basement to leak should be repaired by adding drainage and filling the area with a more absorbent soil type.

In poor absorption or drainage situations, colder weather increases the chance of leaks due to hydrostatic pressure and soil saturation.

Is Your Basement Leaking?

There are many reasons why you could be experiencing wet basement problems once the cold weather sets in.

Whether your basement wall leaking is caused by something simpler, like a bad downspout, or is a more complicated problem, talk to a basement professional about the skilled foundation repairs you need to stop it, today!

Need Foundation Problem Repairs In Wichita KS?

AAA Basement & Foundation Handles Wet Basement Problems!

Call (316) 215-7385 Now!


Read Part 1 of How Winter Weather Causes Leaky Basements!